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Reiki Classes

Usui Holy Fire III Reiki I Class ~ $165

This is the core, the foundation of Reiki. Students learn hands on healing for themselves and others. Reiki I practitioners have the same access and connection to the Universal energy as all others do. Practitioners must work to use and understand all aspects of the Reiki I level before going to the next level. Reiki I consists of learning the aspects of delivering healing energy, the history of Reiki, and self healing. Receiving the Placement is what opens you up to become a channel of the universal energy, Reiki. You will also learn how to be aware of the energy flow and make it your own.

This is a one day class held on a weekend. Manual and certificate  are included and a lunch is provided.




Usui Holy Fire III Reiki II Class ~ $185

When the practitioner has gone through a 21 days of sacred time and feels ready to move forward on their Reiki journey, they will receive their Reiki II Placement and learn the three Reiki symbols and mantras. You will learn how to use the symbols in a healing and distant healing, mental/emotional healing. We will go over the Chakras, Meditations with the symbols and other techniques. This is a one day class held on a weekend. Manual and certificate are included and a lunch is provided.


Note: Students need not have taken Holy Fire Reiki classes previously to participate.




Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master Class ~ $375 - $540

Mastery is a powerful word. A Reiki Master is one who has decided to accept more personal involvement with the healing process. One must master all other levels of Reiki to be a Reiki Master, but keep your ego from seeking to influence the result.

You will receive your Master Placement and also  4 Ignitions to expand the function of the Holy Fire to receive guidance and direction clearer. You will learn the Master symbol and the Holy Fire symbol and mantras, learn meditations with the symbols and other techniques. We will also have a discussion on the Values and Principles of Reiki Mastery. Those of You will be able to teach all Reiki levels and share Holy Fire Experiences with clients and others that are guided to do so. We will go over what to teach and how to do placements and ignitions. This is a 2-3day class held on a weekend.


Note: Students need not have taken Holy Fire Reiki classes previously to participate.




Dar'Shem Reiki Classes Levels 1-4 ~ $250 each level

Dar' Shem  Is the Feminine aspect of Reiki. This beautiful, gentle, nurturing energy carry's the energy of the Divine Feminine.

With this healing energy, we work with Sophia ad also 3 other Dar' Shem witnesses: Isis, Bast, and Kuan Yin.

In each level there are 4 symbols that you will learn and work with and we will also explore different creation stories. Lets explore these levels:


Dar' Shem Level I  ~

This level  we work with the sacred geometry of the triangle.  We first

build a broad, solid foundation to be able to move upwards to the symbols

at the point. We will spend time dissolving disinformation and concepts

learning Truth to build a firm, strong foundation. We will explore the myth of

Asherah, the Divine Mother and El, the Heavenly Father and the creation of hieros-gamos, the sacred marriage of trust and consciousness that unites the Beloved into One.  Our witness we will connect to is Bast.

You will learn that you are a highly evolved Spirit having a human experience, learning to Love in all forms. Your body is your sacred temple, where oneness with Spirit and harmony with life occurs. You will be in the process to clear your path, balance your karmic patterns, forever. In this work you will heal yourself and your lineage and your work assists human, planetary and cosmic evolution. The symbols in the level focuses on this work.


Dar' Shem Level II  ~

Now in this level we work with the triangle upside down. We will begin with the symbols working up . These symbols clear the karmic path of parallel lifetimes and ancestral patterns and relationships throughout the multiverse. Balance is the key.

The creation story we will explore is the Sumeria of the triad of An, Enlil

and Enki. We will explore the Emerald Tablet. Our Witness to work

with is Isis.


Dar' Shem III ~

In level three we are bringing the tirangles together merging into the Star of David.

As above, So below, As within, so without. Weaving the alchemical mysteries given into the Hermetica, the runes, Tarot, Kabbalah, and the Emerald Tablet. We will build on the exploration of the Inner Alchemy and how to transform the

energy of consciousness and embodies balanced life-force into

expnaded awareness, giving us enhanced abilities to remember and

reawaken our personal soul vision. The creation

story will be of  the Norse, the Runes. Kuan Yin Is our witness in this level.


Dar' Sem Master Level ~

This level continues the weave the alchemical mysteries of the Great Work. The symbols we will work with gives us direct connection with the divine Feminine Sophia

who is our witness in this last level. She is the shining light on the shadows that have

escaped, refining the alchemy of our sacred body temples to know Truth, to test it and to embody it as Wisdom. These symbols are tools to become 

embodiments of lovelight, peace, and joy. They are keys to activate

our throat chakra, to allow the universe to express Truth through

our voice, to give back to the world our soul purpose and reasons 

for coming into this human form at this time. Our intended role as Lightworker,

Healer, Earth Angel, doing our part to anchor the next Golden Age on the Planet at

this time and to live with ease, grace and flow. Harmony, happiness, health ad hope.




DISCLAIMER:  Energy work is a simple form of relaxation that can reduce stress; increase peace; balance mind, body, soul; promote general wellness; and compliment medical treatment. I do not diagnose, prescribe, or interfere with any standard medical treatment or your free will.  Any readings or guidance given are subject to your interpretation.  Any choices or actions you make based on your sessions are your responsibility - as are the consequences of such.  I am not liable for any information received during a session.

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